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This book the 20th Century Samurai on Richard Biggie Kim philosophy's and psychology's of the martial arts is destined …
Title: 3 Second Fighter The Sniper Option Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright 1997 by…
75 Down Blocks: Refining Karate Technique (Paperback) Paperback: 185 pages Publisher: Tuttle Publishing; 1 editi…
Title: A Dictionary of the Martial Arts Author: Louis Frederic Translator and editor Paul Crompton Publisher: Tuttle …
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Title: Advanced Ground Control and Restraint Author: Hanshi Richard Morris 9th Dan Shihan Bryan Cheek 6th Dan Renshi …
Title: American Karate: The Master Text Featuring Joe Lewis Author: Jerry Beasley, Ed. D. Publisher: Kendall/Hunt Pub…
Title: Animal Day Pressure Testing the Martial Arts Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers Ltd, copy…
Title: Breaking the Chains of the Ancient Warrior Test of Wisdom for the Young Martial Artist Martial Arts For Peace S…
Title: Bubishi Martial Art Spirt Secret Karate Text Of The Masters finally revealed! Knockout and Killing Techni…
Title: Budo Masters Paths to a Far Mountain Author: Michael Clark Publisher: Paul H. Crompton LTD., Coyright 2000 Mich…
Title: Capoeira Roots of the Dance-Fight-Game Author: Nestor Capoeira Publisher: North Atlantic Books, copyright 2002…
Title: Capoeira A Brazilian Art Form History, Philosophy and Practice Author: Bira Almeida - Mester Acordeon Publish…
The best book ever produced in English on the Brazilian art of Capoeria. This hard cover book full color has 191 page…
Title: Combat Kick Techniques Author: David Mitchell Publisher: Leopard Books, copyright 1989 by David Mitchell Form:…
Title: Combat Strategy Junsado: The Way of the Warrior Author: Hanho Publisher: Turtle Press, copyright 1992 by Hanho…
Title: Competition Karate Author: Chuck Merriman Publisher: Masters Publication, copyright 1994 Chuck Merriman Form: …
Complete Martial Arts Training Manual: An Integrated Approach ( Paperback ) by ASHLEY P. MARTIN Paperback: 1…
Title: Dead or Alive The Choice is Yours The Definitive Self-Protection Handbook Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: S…
Title: Effective Techniques for Unarmed Combat A Contemporary Self-Defense System Scientifically Developed from Proven …
David A. Hall, one of today s foremost experts on Japanese combative culture, combines hands-on experience in a wide var…
Title: Eye of the Hurricane Tales of the Empty-Handed Masters Martial Arts For Peace Series Author: Terrence Webster-…
Title: Facing the Double-Edged Sword The Art of Karate for Young People Author: Terrence Webster-Doyle Illustrated by…
Title: Fear The Friend of Exceptional People Techniques in Controlling Fear Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summer…
Fighter's Fact Book: Over 400 Concepts, Principles and Drills to Make You a Better Fighter Paperback: 304 pages …
Title: Fighting Fit Boxing Workouts, Techniques and Sparring Author: Doug Werner and Alan Lachica Publisher: Tracks P…
Title: Fighting Strategies of Muay Thai Secrets of Thailand´s Boxing Camps Author: Mark Van Schuyver with Kru Pedro S…
Title: Flight of the Golden Eagle Tales of the Empty-Handed Masters Martial Arts For Peace Series Author: Terrence We…
Title: Fortress Storming Masters Series Guide to Bassai Dai Kata & Bunkai Author: John Burke Publisher: Martial Arts …
Title: Freestyle Sparring: Techniques and Tactics for a Competitive Edge Author: Grandmaster Woo Jin Jung with Jennifer…
Title: From Kata to Competition The Complete Karate Handbook Techniques and tips on everything, from sparring to refee…
FULL CONTACT KARATE TRAINING by HOELLER/MALUSCHKA THE BOOK K1, UFC, Kyokushinkai and Muay Thai are enjoying e…
Title: Ground Fighting Pins: The Bedrock Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright 2001 …
Title: Ground Fighting Chokes & Strangles Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright 2001…
Title: Ground Fighting Arms Bars & Joint Locks Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright…
Title: Ground Fighting Fighting from your Knees Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyrigh…
Title: Ground Fighting Fighting from Your Back Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright…
Title: Going for Black Belt The Key to Success in the Martital Arts and Combat Sports Author: Tony Gummerson Publishe…
Paperback: 104 pages Publisher: Summersdale Publishers (1 Jun 1996) Language English
This book aims to further the understanding of the nature of the demands of the martial art training on both mind and bo…
Paperback: 340 pages Publisher: Contemporary Books Inc (1 May 1991) Language English
Title: History and Traditions of Okinawan Karate Author: Tetsuhiro Hokama Publisher: Masters Publication Form: paperb…
Title: Japanese Karate - A Warrior´s Spirit Author: Dan Ivan and Paul Godshaw Publisher: Unique Publications, copyrig…
Title: Karate Basics Author: J. Allen Queen Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., copyright 1992 by J. Allen Queen…
Title: Karate Basics From Basic Punches to Training and Tournaments - Everything You Need to Get Started in Karate Aut…
Title: Karate Dynamics The Ukidokan System Author: Benny "The Jet" Urquidez Forward by Stuart Sobel Publisher: Pro-Ac…
Paperback: 96 pages Publisher: Sterling Juvenile; New edition edition (15 Jun 1995) Language English
Title: Karate´s Grappling Methods Understanding Kata & Bunkai Author: Iain Abernethy Publisher: Neth Publishing, cop…
Book KARATE DO SHITEI KATA KYOHAN DAI-NI 2005. Japan Karatedo Federation. Size: 18 x 26 cm. 198 pages- English/Japanese.…
Paparback: 206 pages Publisher: Dragon Assoc Inc (1997) Language English Softback Edition
Hardcover: 206 pages Publisher: Dragon Assoc Inc (1997) Language English Hardback Edition
Title: Karate Rules Author: Bryan Evans Publisher: Ward Lock, copyright 1998 by Ward Lock Form: paperback, 7 x 9 in, …
Title: The Karate Sensei Author: Peter Urban Publisher: Masters Publication, copyright 1984 Peter Urban Form: paperba…
Title: Karate The Skills of the Game Author: Vic Charles 5th Dan Publisher: The Crowood Press, copyright 1988 by Vic …
Title: Karate Technique and Spirt Author: Tadashi Nakayama Publisher: Tuttle Publishing, copyright 2001 Form: pa…
Title: Karate Techniques and Tactics Skills for Sparring and Self-Defense Author: Patrick M. Hickey Publisher: Human …
Title: Karate The Complete Course A step-by-step guide from first move to first competiton Author: Tommy Morris 6th Da…
Title: Karate-Do Foundations Author: Mark R. Moeller Publisher: Masters Press, copyright 1995 by Mark R. Moller Form:…
Title: Karate-Do The Way of the Empty Hand Author: Eddie Ferrie Publisher: The Crowood Press, copyright 1996 by Eddie…
Title: Kick Ass - Take Names Confessions of a Fitness & Fighting Guru Author: Matt Furey Publisher: Matt Furey Enterp…
Title: Krav Maga How To Defend Yourself Against Armed Assault The Original Israeli System of Self-Defense and Practica…
Title: Krav Maga The Contact Combat System of the Israeli Defense Forces An Essential Guide to the Renowned Method - f…
Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: Weatherhill Inc (1 Mar 1998) Language English
Title: Martial Arts for People with Disabilities An Introduction Author: Dirk Robertson Foreword by Aidan Trimble for…
Title: Martial Arts for Women A Practical Guide Author: Jennifer Lawler Publisher: Turtle Press, copyright 1998 Jenni…
Title: Martial Arts Injuries Prevention and Management Author: Neil Barua and Andy Roosen Publisher: The Crowood Pres…
Title: Martial Arts Teachers on Teaching Author: Carol A. Wiley Publisher: Frog Ltd., copyright 1995 by Carol A. Wiley…
Title: Mas Oyama's Classic Karate Author: Mas Oyama Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., copyright 1978 by Sterling Pub…
MASTERING MUAY THAI KICK-BOXING MMA - Proven Techniques by JOE E. HARVEY Muay Thai--or Thai Kick-boxing is t…
Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Turtle Press,U.S.
Title: Maze of the Fire Dragon Tales of the Empty-Handed Masters Martial Arts For Peace Series Author: Terrence Webst…
MEMOIRS OF A KARATE FIGHTER Throughout the 1980's the British team dominated international karate competitions and won m…
In this book the author presents an overview of karate actions as have been commonly used in sportive bouts by contestan…
Title: Muay Thai A Living Legacy Author: Coordinated & Researched by Kat Prayukvong Written & Edited by Lesley D. Junl…
Title: Muay Thai Advanced Thai Kickboxing Techniques Author: Christoph Delp Publisher: Frog Ltd., copyright 2004 by C…
Title: Neng Da The Super Punches Author: Master Hei Long Publisher: Turtle Press, copyright 1996 Master Hei Long For…
Title: New Students in Karate The First 3 Months Revised and Illustrated Author: Merlin T. Taylor, Jr. Publisher: Fo…
Title: Okinawa Island of Karate Author: George W. Alexander Publisher: Yamazato Publications, copyright 1991 by George…
Title: Okinawan Karate The Teachings of Master Eihachi Ota Author: Michael Rovens & Mark Pollard Publisher: Empire Bo…
Title: Oyama The Legend, The Legacy Author: Michael J. Lorden Publisher: Multi-Media Books, copyright 200o by CFW Ente…
Paperback: 197 pages Publisher: Turtle Press,U.S.; illustrated edition edition
Title: Perfection of Character Guiding Principles for the Martial Arts & Everyday Life Author: Teruyuki Okazaki Publi…
Practical Kick-boxing: Strategy in Training and Technique (Paperback) BENNY " THE JET "
Title: Real Head, Knees & Elbows Head, knee and elbow technique from every range Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: …
Title: Reminiscences by Master Mitsasuke Harada Author: Dr. Clive Layton Publisher: KDS Publishing, copyright 1999 by …
Title: Samurai The Story of a Warrior Tradition Author: Harry Cook Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., copyright 1993…
SECRETS OF CHAMPIONSHIP KARATE Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Contemporary Books (June 1991)
Title: Secret Fighting Arts of the World Author: John F. Gilbey Publisher: Tuttle Publications, copyright 1963 Form: …
Title: Secrets of the Samurai The Martial Arts of Feudal Japan Author: Oscar Ratti / Adele Westbrook Publisher: Castl…
Title: Japan's Complete Karate System Shin Kage Ryu Author: Robin L. Rielly Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Company, cop…
Title: Skillful Karate Author: Greg McLatchie Publisher: A & C Black, copyright 1990 by Greg McLatchie Form: paperbac…
Title: Solo Training The Martial Artist´s Guide to Training Alone Packed with over 325 Techniques, Drills & Exercises…
Title: Taking Control Basic Mental & Physical Self Defence for Women Author: Lynsey de Paul and Clare McCormick Publi…
Title: Teaching Martial Arts The Way of The Master Author: Sang H. Kim Ph.D. Publisher: Turtle Press, copyright 1997 …
THE ART OF BALANCE.SAN DATCHI KATA AMBROSE LOUGHLIN Paperback: 110 pages Publisher: Galde P.,U.S. (Oct 1997) …
THE ASHO STORIES.( Tales of the martial arts for the young and not so young ) Paperback: 98 pages Publisher: St …
Title: Bouncer The Geoff Thompson Story Part Two Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyright …
Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: The Crowood Press Ltd; illustrated edition edition (27 April 1998) Language Engli…
THE KARATE WAY - DISCOVERING THE SPIRIT OF PRACTICE by DAVE LOWRY Karate is not just a sport or a hobby—it’s a li…
The Official History of Karate in America:The Golden Age: 1968-1986 by Al Weiss and David Weiss Hardback Edi…
Title: The Ron Van Clief White Belt Guidebook A Complete Introduction toPreparation for and Techniques of the Martial A…
Item Code: 55SUTO419 Title: The Science of Martial Arts Training Author: Charles I. Staley, MSS Publisher: Multi-Medi…
THE SECRET ART OF PRESSURE POINT FIGHTING Techniques to Disable Anyone in Seconds Using Minimal Force. by Vince …
Title: The Throws & Take-Downs of Freestyle Wrestling Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copyri…
Title: The Throws & Take-Downs of Greco-Roman Wrestling Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copy…
Title: The Throws & Take-Downs of Judo Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers Ltd, copyright 2001 by…
Title: The Throws & Take-Downs of Sombo Russian Wrestling Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, co…
Title: The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate The Spiritual Legacy of the Master Author: Gichin Funakoshi and Genwa N…
Throws for Strikers: The Forgotten Throws of Karate, Boxing and Taekwondo Paperback: 96 pages Publisher: Summers…
Title: Training Theory for Martial Arts Author: Tony Gummerson Publisher: A & C Black, copyright 1992 by Tony Gummerso…
Title: Ultimate Muay Thai Author: Bob Spour Publisher: The Crowood Press, copyright 2004 by Bob Spour Form: paperback…
Title: Ultimate Sparring Principles & Practices Author: Sifu Jonathan Maberry Photos by Robert Patrick O´Brien Publ…
Paperback: 112 pages Publisher: Kime Pub; 1st Edition edition (Nov 1988) Language English
Title: Watch My Back The Geoff Thompson Story Part One Author: Geoff Thompson Publisher: Summersdale Publishers, copy…
Title: Why is Everybody Always Picking on Me? A Guide To Handling Bullies For Young People Education for Peace Series …
Title: Winning Karate A fully illustrated comprehensive guide to the art of karate, including competitive sparring and …
Title: Winning with American Kata The New Breed of Competitors Author: Loren W. Christensen Publisher: Paladin Press,…
Title: Women in the Martial Arts Author: Carol A. Wiley Publisher: North Atlantic Books, copyright 1992 Carol A. Wiley…
Title: Zen, Pen, and Sword The Karate Experience Author: Randall G. Hassell Publisher: Focus Publications, copyright …
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