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Paz-y-Miño G., & Espinosa, A. “Dichotomous keys to fundamental attacks and defenses in aikido” Nurchis, …
Donohue, J. “Virtual enlightenment: The martial arts, cyberspace, & American culture” Dohrenwend, R. “The sli…
Dohrenwend, R. “The odd East Asian sai” Svinth, J. “A proper upbringing: Kendo in Canada 1900-1950” Allan…
Paz-y-Miño G., & Espinosa, A. “Aikido: The art of the dynamic equiangular spiral”…
Pieter, W. & Heijmans, J. “Training and competition in taekwondo” Masciotra, D. & Monzon, M. “A healthy body …
Ko, Y. “Martial arts marketing: Putting the customer first” Wingard, G. “Sport, industrialism, and the …
Barnfield, A. “Observational learning in the martial art studio: Instructors as models of positive behaviors”…
Adrogué, M. “Ancient military manuals and their relation to modern Korean martial arts” Berwick, S. & Butler, …
Gutiérrez, C. & Espartero, J. “Jujutsu’s image in Spain’s wrestling shows: A historic review” Gaffne…
Seig, B. “Gravitation versus change: Explaining the relationship between personality traits & martial arts train…
Henning, S. “New light on the King Jinnaluo legend and Shaolin staff fighting” Barnfield, A. “Tradition…
Volume 14 - Number 1 - 2005
Donohue, J. “Modern educational theories and traditional Japanese martial arts training methods” Mallon, S. “…
Cooper, E. “Using observational learning methods for martial arts teaching and training” Henning, S. “Insight…
Donohue, J. “Sound and fury: Auditory elements in martial ritual” Paz-y-Miño, G. “Predicting kumite st…
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